Education Opportunities

Medication Technician

Horizon Health Services, Inc. offers a medication administration training class. All students have to meet the introductory course requirements in order to continue in the training program. Classes are two days long and it is mandatory that both classes are taken in order for your paperwork to be submitted. There are a series of minor exams for each section of the medication training course. Tests must be taken in the classroom and be graded with a score of 70% or above to pass.

The requirements for the Medication Technician classes are as follows:

  • Successfully pass a basic reading examination
  • Successfully pass a basic math examination
  • Must be able to attend 20 hours of class training

We accept cash or money order for payment of the medication technician classes. We also require one passport picture.

After successfully passing the course, your paperwork will be submitted to the Maryland Board of Nursing.

CPR and First Aide Classes

If you are looking for quality CPR and first aid training from experienced professionals and healthcare providers, then you have found the right place. Horizon Health Services, Inc. offers courses, seminars, and workshops on schedules that conveniently suit you.

We believe that equipping you with the right knowledge and tools that will help you in times of real-life emergencies is very essential, so we are currently updating our range of offered courses and schedules. Please continue to visit our website to keep yourselves updated on the latest news and updates and to get further details on our offered classes.

For inquiries, don’t hesitate to call us at (301) 362-3604. You can also visit our office. Our friendly staff are more than happy to assist you.